Thursday, March 5, 2009

Too long...

Being a tour guide during the winter sucks. I know I haven't been writing, but that's because there is no adoring public. The adoring public makes my life an interesting form of hell.

So several things have happened:

1. I had to give a photographer a tour on a windy day. I had to wear my uniform. As a result, my required hat flew away everywhere, to the point where I needed a golf cart to catch it.

2. My boss added me on facebook. It was awkward.

3. I've learned to take apart flintlocks, and I've also inhaled more rust remover and touched more lead than I'm comfortable with.

That's pretty much it. Most of my day consists of typing books into the computer so we can reference the computer instead of shuffling through a book. Apparently none of my bosses have heard of SCANNERS.

But it's ok - they're paying me to do it. And scanning the books page by page is probably just as much fun as typing them out.


Melissa said...

They like it in the stone age. BOsses:Scanners...whats that??

Intense Guy said...

Nice to see you back. They have you typing in books? Good grief.

Only our government would do something like that.

I hope you've been well (outside of getting high from the rust cleaner fumes!)

Jess said...

This is why I avoid facebook.
PS What's a flintlock?
xx :)

ChicagoLady said...

Jess, a flintlock is a very old type of gun that was used up until the mid 1800's.

I'm thinking part of the reason you have no adoring public is because no one wants to spend any extra money? Plus it's been a long winter? Just a guess...

The advantage of typing out the books is the project will last longer by typing out everything, than if you were to scan one whole page at a time. You'll stay busy longer.

Yankee Girl said...

First of all, thanks for visiting. It's always nice to have new readers. Second of all, bosses should never friend an employee on facebook. It's creepy. And third, typing out books? You're a trooper. I have the attention span of an ant so I would probably give up after only a few minutes.