Monday, October 27, 2008


Word count.

It's been crunch time with the book. And also lack of internet time.

OK. I live with this Chinese couple in Queens. I met them on Craigslist and moved in a week later. So anyways, they're not very computer literate. I had been splitting their wireless connection with a router, but something is wrong and I can't fix it.

So I haven't had Internet in a week.

But their Internet is fine. So they offered to let me use theirs. Problem is - their computer is in Chinese. And there's a cartoon lion that keeps jumping up and telling me things in Chinese. And it dances. And terrifies me.

Work has been slow. I've been writing press releases and stuff instead of giving tours. It's been nice...

Fuck. I just wish I had Internet.

It's not that I don't love you, everybody. It's that I can only get wireless signal for two minutes at a time. Pity me.

Funny thing - when I realized I had no Internet, my first reaction was, "Oh. I have no Internet. I'd better go online and figure out how to fix it."


ChicagoLady said...

You kind of have a problem when you want to go online to fix a problem of not having any internet access.

Hope you can get it resolved soon!

Intense Guy said...

Ah so... no internet is not good yes?

I hope you get things working again - with the way you are set up - that might be tough.

You've missed you know...

Melissa said...

I understand how you feel for three weeks I had my laptop but no internet. I hated it so much, its amazing how dependent we become. Hope things get better on your end!

So the cartoon freaked you out huh? The chinese just love their cartoons!


LadyStyx said...

Aww damn! *HUGZ* You sound like you could use a few of them right about now actually...