Sunday, December 21, 2008


I was so happy to be done with school, and going to Costa Rica with my boyfriend, and Christmas, and then I get another rejection letter.

Rejection = sad.


ChicagoLady said...

That sucks! I know you won't give up though.

Melissa said...

Sucks, but hey thats the way we writers get shaped and gain strength!...Havr fun in Costa Rica!


LadyStyx said...

Man that rots. Sorry to hear that.

Have a good trip with the boyfriend though and have a Merry Christmas!

Intense Guy said...

Enjoy the journey to that foreign and exotic land...may the trip be the stuff of many great memories.

Don't forget to recyle the paper the letter was printed on - they'll need it for the 20th, 21th, and 22nd printing of your book.

Intense Guy said...

Gosh...Did you you move deep into Costa Rica rain forest never to return?

Hope you are alive and well. Some folks are missing ya.


Jess said...

I'm loving catching up on your blog - you make me larf.
Especially like the hotel room story a few posts back.
I think you should think of something creative to do with your rejection. Make it into an omlette?