Tuesday, January 20, 2009


It's been practically a month.

Being a tour guide is going well. New semester starting. I learned how to take apart and put together a rifle from the Revolutionary War.

Which may not make me a great housewife, but my hotness-o-meter went up slightly. If it were a more modern gun, it'd be up a lot. But no. Just an ollddddd Rev War gun.

But there are about thirty of them that have to be taken apart and cleaned. So I got my work cut out for me...


Melissa said...

Well, if you marry a Revolutionary War Freak...you'd be the perfect House-wife!!!

Intense Guy said...

Welcome home to the rusty, dirty Revolutionary War guns... What happened to the Civil War guns? Did you trade them in?

And more (must more) importantly, did you have a GREAT TIME and GOOD TRIP?? Someone's half functioning, but still inquiring mind wants to know...


ChicagoLady said...

You just need to use your expertise to advertise for someone who's really into ooolllldddd guns.