Monday, November 24, 2008


I can't believe Iggy actually went to see if was real.

C'mon now.

Alright,'s come to my attention that we all need to get over the rock thing.

I'm trying to install my printer and it's not working. I'm so so so bad with technology that it's not even funny.

Thanks for my job, I now watch the History Channel when they talk about the Revolutionary War. I caught myself screaming, "Retreat, George Washington, RETREAT!" at the television set. And keep in mind I was doing this INSTEAD OF hanging with friends/doing homework/absolutely anything else.

But seriously, those guys were hardcore. Radical for their time. When taxes went up for them, they decided to form their own nation. When taxes go up for us, we just bend over a little more.

Our founding fathers are turning in their graves!


Intense Guy said...

Sowwy. I hope you won't hold this against me.

Hope your printer connects, installs, and test prints without a glitch.

P.s., Go George!

Melissa said...

SO it's a real website...Who knew?

How funny(Retreat George!)I do that sometimes,when The History of the Titanic comes on....I'm like "Don't light the boilers, you're gonna die!"

Good Luck with the printer issue!


ChicagoLady said...

Good ole Iggy, he likes to go look things up. I'm surprised he didn't have his own post about it up already, lol.

I agree, all the men who worked so hard for our independence are definitely turning over in their graves. Or maybe glaring down at all us idiots from Heaven.

Intense Guy said...

Happy Birthday - I'm sorry I wuz late.