I have to get my book into tip-top shape. Then I have to write "pitch" letters to various agents. I will get rejected a million billion times. Then, if one of the agents likes my pitch, he/she will ask for a synopsis, or summary, of the book. Then THAT will be rejected a million billion times.
Then finally, maybe, kinda sorta, an agent will ask for the WHOLE manuscript. And then I will have to sneak into my school library really early in the morning and print out the damn thing using school paper and printers.
Then I will mail it.
And then it will be rejected.
A million billion times.
Then, even if I get an agent, there is no guarantee that the agent will be able to sell my book to a publisher. It's like, a whole other process.
Thus is the process of trying to get published.
In other news, at work I had to put "no smoking" signs in buildings no one has access to. That's right. So in case anyone illegally breaks into these buildings, they will know not to smoke. But honestly, I don't think that type of person will care.
I hope you realize you have people that will give you million billion words of encouragement when you work on getting your book published.
I agree with IntenseGuy. Don't give up, eventually, someone will give you a break, and you'll be a famous author with a book on the NY Times Best Seller List!
Even after that long list of million billions, I still think your hard part is over.
I'm still in awe of you for writing a whole book - good luck!
Don't give up, the {NO}s just bring you closer to the {YES}.I think the worst part of being a writer is all the rejection you face when trying getting published. My biggest problem with the publishing world is that Paris Hilton is PUBLISHED....I mean really??? Can she write?
Good Luck Girly!
(regarding your comment)
Yes, my birthday is coming up... Dec 4.Can't wait! You're older than me by a couple days, the BIG 20. Soon we will no longer be teens.
I can't wait for AUSTRALIA and I agree...Screw Tom Cruise, I adore Nicloe Kidman!
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