Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Is it 1985?

I'm not going to lie - some atypical school and camp groups do come. Most of them are normal, but the normal ones are never the ones that stick with you. It's always that group that says, "fo' real???" at everything you say that you remember.

Or a group like this one.

There was a group of about twenty-thirty students in a camp group a while ago. From the Bronx. And the biggest kid had something on his shoulder that I hadn't seen in a while.

A boom box.

A boom box.

I just have to say it one more time...

A boom box.

Is it 1985? Who carries a boom box over the shoulder in this day and age? And who the hell would bring one ON A TOUR??? On a spoken guided tour?

My fellow guide tried to ask the leaders of a the group for some cooperation. Nope. They thought it was perfectly fine. The boom box was acceptable to them.

Ugh. I need food.


LadyStyx said...

*just shakes her head*

ok...heads up...I just *gotta* do this now ya know....

fo' realz???

Ok, I think Im over it for now.

Melissa said...

OMG,a Boom Box! I would have said, hey buddy this is not the set of Fresh Prince of Belair , no boom boxes allowed. You have my sympathy, it seems that more and more people breeding morons.The worse part is that the chaperone thought is was completely acceptable. *Sigh* There is a time and a place for throwbacks, and they do not belong on a tour.